

International Math-teacher Professionalization

Using Lesson Study



WALS Webinar: “JICA-IMPULS Effort in Establishing School-wide Lesson Study Using CLR in Cambodia Schools.” WALS ウェビナーを開催します(12月14日)New!!


Lesson Study Immersion Program -Session 2, November 12 -21, 20242024年度第2回「授業研究イマージョンプログラム」を開催中です(11/12-21)!New!!


Report on the 3-week Program for the JICA Project for “Strengthening Teacher Education Colleges for Basic Education Quality(S-TEC)” in Cambodia, 2024「2024年度JICAカンボジアS-TECプロジェクト本邦研修」開催報告


New "Lesson Study Library" has been released! /新「授業研究ライブラリー」を公開しました!


Report on the Lesson Study Immersion Program -Session 1, 2024「2024年度第1回授業研究イマージョン・プログラム」開催報告




IMPULS is dedicated to supports the professionalization of teachers and leaders involved in mathematics by using Lesson Study, Japan's unique teacher professional development system, around the world.





IMPULS, LLC is a venture company originating from Tokyo Gakugei University that uses "Lesson Study" to develop educational professionals and their capacities.




We offer the "Lesson Study Immersion Program," an intensive Japan-based program for leading educational professionals to learn about actual Lesson Study in Japan and deepen discussions on how to improve, as well as online professional development courses, etc.


Lesson Study Library


Examples of Japanese mathematics research lessons and reference materials are available.




LessonNote is an iPad application for lesson observation developed in collaboration with Lesson Study Alliance. It is a useful tool developed for educators that can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as analyzing and evaluating students' learning in daily classes, as well as supporting the efficient documentation for Lesson Study.

LessonNoteは、Lesson Study Allianceと共同で開発した、授業観察のためのiPad用アプリケーションです。授業研究における効率的な授業記録の作成をサポートすると同時に、日頃の授業中における児童生徒の学習状況の分析・評価など幅広い目的で活用できる教育者のために開発された便利なツールです。



For Starters/導入支援

We offer basic seminars on Lesson Study and mathematics education in Japan for teams of schools, school districts, etc. in the introductory phase of Lesson Study, as well as individual teachers and researchers who wish to be involved in Lesson Study.


For Leaders/促進支援

For teams in the Lesson Study Enrichment Phase, we offer training programs to develop leaders of research groups in each school or school district, as well as thise who provide final comments for the research lessons. The "Lesson Study Immersion Program," which is a Japan-based program, helps those leaders deepen their understanding of Lesson Study.


For Teams/包括支援

We offer a variety of support options for teacher professional development initiatives led by international organizations, local governments, universities, etc., using Lesson Study. Consultations are available at any time for on-site instruction combined with online seminars or specially designed in-Japan training programs.


Participants voice


Opportunity to engage in professional learning


The IMPULS immersion program was such an incredible experience. I appreciate that I had the opportunity to engage in professional learning around mathematics and teaching pedagogy with colleagues from other schools and individual researchers from around the world, professors from Tokyo Gakugei University, and IMPULS facilitators. It was interesting to be a part of discussions with everyone from the program and hear different perspectives and experiences on teaching mathematics. I’ve gained a new perspective on what teaching math can look like through the lens of Japanese Lesson Study.

Beneficial to see how my ability to observe the lesson improved


With the benefit of hindsight, it is clear to me that I had a very narrow ‘understanding’ of what Lesson Study is and how it is practiced in Japan prior to my time in Tokyo on the IMPULS training programme. I think it is beneficial to see how my ability to observe improved as my understanding of Japanese classrooms and Lesson Study grew. Generally, my observations grew in depth, and allowed me to explore various facets of the Lesson Study process as and when I was ready. This was made easy by the excellent structure of the programme, and being in the presence of other attendees who could off their perspectives on the salient issues of the day.

Impressed me the idea of "once in a lifetime"


In the research lesson, what impressed me is the idea of once in a lifetime, that is, teachers should prepare and implement at their utmost best, and not waste student time to be “experimented” with. Rather, each research lesson is in as much a genuine learning experience as you would facilitate in an actual class. As an observer of research implementation, the immersion program also reminded me to note the conversation built in the classroom, the expressions of the students, and most especially to evidence observations concretely against the intended goals: the research theme and the learning goals.