“Cambodian Universities’ Attached School Teachers’ Experience from Their First Cycle of School-wide Collaborative Lesson Research (CLR) model.”
We will host two webinars hosted by WALS (the World Association of Lesson Studies) to share our journey to establish a school-wide Lesson Study using CLR in schools in Cambodia. The first webinar will be on Saturday, December 14, and the second will be on Saturday, January 23.
In 2024, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) initiated a new project, Project for Strengthening Teacher Education Colleges for Basic Education Quality (S-TEC), which aims to establish a continuous cycle for improving primary and lower secondary education in mathematics and science at two leading teacher education institutes in Cambodia, Phnom Penh Teacher Education College (PTEC) and Battambang Teacher Education College (BTEC), along with their attached elementary and lower secondary schools, by using Lesson Study. Although JICA has been supporting PTEC and BTEC, along with other schools in Cambodia, to use lesson studies for years, the S-TEC project has decided to employ the school-wide Collaborative Lesson Research (CLR) model of Lesson Study to achieve significant impacts on teaching practice and student learning at the project schools.
This webinar presents a unique opportunity for educators worldwide to learn from our exciting endeavor in Cambodia, where we are implementing the CLR model.
We encourage you to share this valuable information about the free webinar and the CLR model with your colleagues and friends who are passionate about improving science and math teaching and learning. Together, we can make a difference.
Date: 25 January 2025
1000 – 1100 GMT
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