On November 7-16, 2023, IMPULS and the Lesson Study Alliance, a non-profit corporation in Chicago, USA, jointly hosted the third "Lesson Study Immersion Program 2023, session 3".Sixteen participants, including Phil Daro, who was involved in the development of the U.S. Common Core State Standards, supervisors from the City and County of San Francisco, board members from the San Francisco Unified School District Board of Education, and principals from the designated research schools, etc. came to Japan.

 During the 10-day program, they visited Funatsu Elementary School in the town of Fuji Kawaguchiko, Shinbori Elementary School in Niiza City, Saitama Prefecture, and two public elementary schools in Tokyo for their school-based and district-wide lesson study. The program also included a visit to the Yamanashi Prefectural Office of Education and meeting with experienced elementary and junior high school principals to deepen mutual discussion among Japanese and U.S. educators on the roles of educational administration and school administrators in supporting the promotion of Lesson Study.

  • November 7 (Tue) Basic lecture and discussion
  • November 8 (Wed) Tama Daiichi Elementary School
  • November 9 (Thu) Funatsu Elementary School
  • November 10 (Fri) Meeting with principals and educational administrators
  • November 13 (Mon) Shinbori Elementary School
  • November 14 (Tue) Reflection and preparation
  • November 15 (Wed) Tamagawa Elementary School
  • November 16 (Thu) Wrap-up, Open Seminar

 We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the professionals from U.S. and Japan who participated in the program, and to the school administrators who cooperated with us.

*Visit Phil Daro’s Blog.


*Visit our Facebook to see photoes.

*Excerpts of Participants' reflection 

“In summary, WOW! What an amazing trip and opportunity to delve deeply into learning mathematics and thinking about the world through the lens of mathematics. It was important for me to ground myself in the program on the first day, review the problem-solving approach to mathematics in Japan and how they use lesson study to professionalize the teaching force.  I also appreciated reviewing the lesson in preparation for the following day.  It was a good way to begin the immersion and experiential learning.  One take away was that we need to focus on the research aspect of lesson study (design).

・・・In summary, it was personally and professionally powerful to engage in experiential learning, learn by observing math lessons, observing the discussion/commentary and then debriefing as a group with Dr. Takahashi and Tad. I appreciated how we socially constructed our knowledge of what was happening in the classroom and school.  There is a power in having a deep experience and then talking about ways to transfer it to our classrooms, schools, and district. We want our students in deepen their knowledge using a problem-solving approach, so we must deepen our knowledge first. If we want our students to have deep experiences, we need to engage adults in deep experiences and then provide the guidance and support to help transfer the practices.  The commentary was so important to the lesson study because the teachers are learning about how to better teach the lesson through understanding the mathematical concepts and ways to teach the concepts.”

—J.H., ED for Professional Learning and Coaching, SFUSD

“I was struck by the intentional support and professional development that provides teachers with best practices and an in-depth discussion to understand math concepts and developmental learning theory. This is a wonderful training model for novice teachers but also for seasoned teachers who through LS are able to demonstrate good practice. I see why this has had results in literacy and math at John Muir - it is creating strong teaching practice across subject areas.”

—J.F. ,Board of Supervisors for the City and County of San Francisco

“I learned about all of the organization, collaboration, and thoughtful planning that goes into a lesson study cycle. There are so many highlights it's hard to name them all. I was so impressed by the thoroughly researched lesson plans, the jovial relationships between the teachers and students, the depth of the students' reflections, and the desire among all of the teachers to nurture their students' confidence with doing math. I am excited to educate teachers in Alameda County about the benefits of TTP and lesson study.”

—S.G. ,Alameda County Office of Education

“This immersion program was a different experience than my last. My first time with IMPULS was in the Summer 2018. I along with 8 other teachers, coaches, and admin from my previous school site all participated together. Having the large group from the same school site allowed us to gain momentum to continue the new learning around TTP and Lesson Study into the next school year. 

We wanted to carry the excitement from seeing teachers and students learning together from the public lessons and the expert commentary into our whole school PD model. However, we found that the school year was tough. We had change in leadership that disrupted our PD calendar, and the momentum of the group. We were able to have almost all staff members participate in a lesson study cycle or two and some participated in a PDSA cycle (plan, do, study, act). There was new learning that impacted the teachers and the students but in the end something was missing. Something that would allow us to continue the momentum towards lesson study forward for our school site.

What we were missing was THIS TRIP--IMPULS Session 3. In this session, I have learned so much about the systems and structures that support a successful lesson study for a school site and for a prefecture.  One of the biggest learnings that came on the last day of the trip is that what OUR work in SFUSD is, is not lesson study--it's collaborative lesson research. As our grant team moves forward, I want us to use the appropriate term, collaborative lesson research (CLR).”

—A.C. Flynn Math Coach, SFUSD


2023年11月7日〜16日、IMPULSと米国シカゴの非営利法人Lesson Study Allianceとの共同により、2023年度第3回目となる「授業研究イマージョン・プログラム」を開催いたしました。

米国統一カリキュラム策定に携わったPhil Daro氏、サンンフランシスコサンフランシスコ市郡管理委員会スーパーバイザー、サンフランシスコ統一学区教育委員会役員、そして研究指定校の校長等、16名が来日しました。












* Phil Daro先生のブログがこちらからご覧いただけます!





「すごい!数学を学び、数学というレンズを通して世界について深く考える、素晴らしい旅と機会でした。初日にこのプログラムに参加し、日本の数学の問題解決アプローチや、授業研究をどのように活用して指導力を専門化させているかを復習したことは、私にとって重要でした。 また、翌日に備えて授業の復習ができたこともありがたかったです。 没入型の体験学習を始めるには良い方法でした。 ひとつの学びとしては、授業研究の研究面(デザイン)に焦点を当てる必要があるということでした。

・・・まとめると、数学の授業を観察して学び、協議会や講師講評を聞いて、そして高橋先生やタッド先生と一緒にグループで振り返りをするという一連の経験は、個人的にも仕事上でも非常に有意義なものでした。教室や学校で起きていることについて、私たちがどのように社会的に知識を構築していったかを高く評価しました。 深い経験をし、それを教室や学校、地区で生かす方法について話し合うことには力があります。私たちは、生徒たちに問題解決アプローチを使って知識を深めてほしいと思っています。生徒たちに深い経験をしてほしいのなら、大人たちが深い経験をし、その実践を継承するための指導やサポートを提供する必要があるのです。 教師は数学的概念やその概念の教え方を理解することで、よりよい授業のあり方を学んでいるのですから。」

ーJ.H.先生サンフランシスコ統一学校区 プロフェッショナル・ラーニング&コーチング部⻑


ーJ.F.先生(サンフランシスコ市郡管理委員会 監督官補佐(教育・⻘少年問題))


ーS.G 先生(アラメダ郡教育局 プログラム・マネジャー(算数・数学) )

「今回のイマージョンプログラムは、前回の経験とは異なるものでした。私が初めてIMPULSに参加したのは2018年の夏でした。私は前の学校から8人の教師、コーチ、管理職と一緒に参加しました。同じ学校現場から大人数で参加したことで、問題解決型の授業や授業研究に関する新しい学びを次の学年に継続する勢いを得ることができました。 ・・・私たちは、公開授業や指導者の講評から教師と生徒が共に学ぶ姿を見た興奮を、学校全体の教師の職能形成につなげたかったのですが、その年は厳しいものでした。指導者の交代があり、PDの日程やグループの勢いが乱れてしまったのです。私たちは、ほぼすべての職員に1、2回の授業研究サイクルに参加させることができ、PDSAサイクル(計画、実行、研究、行動)に参加する職員もいました。教師にも生徒にも影響を与える新しい学びがありました。しかし私たちの学校の授業研究をさらに前進させる何かが欠けていたのです。

それは、今回のIMPULSイマージョンプログラムセッション3でした。このセッションで、私は学校現場や都道府県レベルでの授業研究を成功させるためのシステムや仕組みについて多くのことを学びました。 最終日に得た最も大きな学びのひとつは、サンフランシスコ統一学校区での私たちの仕事はレッスン・スタディではなく、協働的授業研究(CLR)であるということです。私たちのプロジェクトチームが前進するにつれ、協働的授業研究(CLR)を使っていきたいと思います」。 

ーA.C 先生(サンフランシスコ統一学校区 フリン小学校算数コーチ)