We will organize a Work Talk titled “Taking notes during a research lesson, with an introduction to the LessonNote iPad app, and video of a Japanese research lesson”, on November 29. 14:00-15:30, for the WALS (World Association of Lesson Studies) international conference in Zwolle. We look forward to seeing you all there.
*For maximum enjoyment, participants should bring their own iPad!
November 29, 14:00-15:30 at Room 16
Work Talk “Taking notes during a research lesson, with an introduction to the LessonNote iPad app, and video of a Japanese research lesson”
- Thomas Mcdougal
- Naoko Matsuda
- Akihiko Takahashi
This session will examine the process of taking notes during a research lesson. How do we decide what to record in our notes? What kinds of notes are typically most useful, how do we collect them, and how do we prepare novice observers to take better notes?
As part of this discussion, we will introduce LessonNote, a free application for iPad. LessonNote was designed by Dr. Akihiko Takahashi and Tom McDougal specifically for Lesson Study through a partnership between IMPULS at Tokyo Gakugei University and Lesson Study Alliance. LessonNote allows the user to quickly create a seating chart for a classroom and then jot notes or take photos that are time-stamped and connected to specific students within the seating chart. The app also can also record shifts in lesson modality (i.e. whole-class instruction, independent work, and group work). After the lesson, a color-coded timeline and filters enable the user to quickly find notes to support an analysis of the lesson’s impact on student learning.
In the first 20 minutes of the session, we will discuss what kinds of data we typically want to collect during a research lesson. The presenters will share strategies for helping novice lesson study participants understand their role and be prepared to collect useful data. Then, we will introduce LessonNote and familiarize participants with its various functions, which will take about 15 minutes.
Participants will then have the opportunity to practice taking notes of a research lesson from Japan using LessonNote, by way of a three-view video observation system, which IMPULS uses for its on-line professional development courses (the lesson will have subtitles in English). We will observe about 30 minutes of the lesson, and then compare what notes we took.
For maximum enjoyment, participants should bring their own iPad. The presenters will attempt to obtain some iPads to lend out, but this is not guaranteed.
2023年11月29日14:00-15:30、オランダ・ズヴォレで開催されるWALS国際会議にて、「Taking notes during a research lesson, with an introduction to the LessonNote iPad app, and video of a Japanese research lesson」と題したワークトークを行います。IMPULSとLesson Study Allianceとのパートナーシップにより、授業研究のために特別にデザインした授業観察用アプリ「LessonNote」をご紹介します。皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。